
Sweet-Sweet Pythagoras Theorem

    Sweet-Sweet Pythagoras Theorem A geometrical relationship between three sides of the Right-angled triangle.  a 2 + b 2 = c 2 Today the Geometry lesson in my class started with a lesson PYTHAGORAS THEOREM. They have a stressful week due to Monthly exams and soon they will have to work on their Math’s Project. So I decided to start with a group activity to develop their interest. We started with an introduction to Pythagorean theorem and recall the names of the sides of the triangle that “the hypotenuse is the longest side of the triangle because it is opposite the largest angle. The "right angle” should be between the other two side[legs]. Used the white board to explain the rule Activity started with grouping the students in to 8 groups. Max 5 students in each group. Students were given the two different flavors of (square shaped) Sugus candy and a chart on which the three areas (blocks of 3 × 3, 4 × 4, 5 × 5 ) on three sides of the triangle are drawn